"I've never seen it do that before," Meldibar grumbles.
"Do have any magical items with you?"
"No, I don't think so..." you pat your pockets and feel the
bulge of the dice, "...all I have is some dice." You pull
them from your pocket and show them to Meldibar.
"Great Jonda! Where did you get them?"
You grin, "I don't know. What are they?"
"The Stones of Faramil, she was a great magician. Those stones
will take me back home," he reaches for them.
You snatch them back and put your hand behind your back. "Not
yet, you said the other stone would tell me who I am."
Meldibar snarls at you, but replies, "Yes, it should have, but
the power of the other stones stopped it."
"So I can give them to you and try again?"
"No, I'm sorry, but the Stone knows that you possess the others
and will not allow you to look again," he looks beseechingly at
"Okay, this is what we'll do..."
The bright light has left an afterimage in your eyes and you wait for
it to fade. Meldibar is looking quizzically at you. You feel fine and
decide to get off the floor.