"So much for the idea of being sneaky." Trabb sighed softly.
He thought about it for a while. "We have to get the detonator up
to the top of that cylinder, but there is no way I can throw it up
there from this distance." He thought some more. "Can you
lift things in the air with the Force?" he asked suddenly.
"Sometimes I can," Rayna said, already seeing his plan. You
mean you want ME to lift this thing up to the top while you distract
the guards?"
Trabb smiled. "Yup. I'll set it for sixty seconds, and when I
start firing at them, press this button and do your
They made it to the power source without too much trouble, but when
they got there, they saw nine armored guards standing around the
massive terminal, which looked like a big cylinder with a blocky
rounded top and hundreds of little lights covering it's sides. It was
hard to see it, but the top of it had a depression and a blue haze
surrounding it.