Citrus starts to speak again, "The King of Basceo, the one we
were running away from wants you because you have knoledge of
something, you also have something he wants, another reason is that
you are the Princess of the Universe. His name is Ontarino. King
Ontarino. He rules a certain country on that planet, but eventually a
new rule of the universe will click in, Queens rule higher than Kings
in a sort of democratic republic. So the Queen will rule that planet.
It's quite an interesting planet. Here we are on Oralea. I must speak
to Terz, he is on this planet I believe, if not he is on Oricon. You
must press the green and blue button behind this box right here, you
will be sent to Earth and you will forget everything. I'm sorry but it
has to be this way, or everything in the universe would be
off-balance." She leaves to search the planet for Terz. You have
a choice, do you press it or not?