Lilo: Oh, great, now I'll keep on seeing THAT in my head...wait a
minute, that
memory's gone now!
Angel624:'s gone from my head, too.
???:Meega na la kreesta!
*Everyone turns around to see a white, snake-like experiment with no
Lilo: Is that 001?
Angel624: *nods* I'll use my PokeDigiExperiDeck to find out what it
does, although
I think I know...
*Whips out a device that looks like a cross between the old Pokedecks,
a Digivice,
and Jumba's laptop*
*An image of 001 appears on the screen*
Angel624: It says here, '001 has the ability to remove any memory it
wishes to
remove, often the most recent memory the victim has received.'
Stitch: Cousin!
*001's eyes flash red.*
Stitch: Cousin!
Lilo: I'm guessing 001 erased Stitch's memory of greeting him?
Angel624: Probably so.
*Angel624 drapes a blanket over the unconscious Megamantn*