Megamantn: ...
Angel624: Oh, yeah. Thanks for reminding me, Megamantn.
*Shifts through GTTdeck again*
Lilo: What're you looking for?
Angel624: My newest card. Ah, here it is!
*Holds card above her head*
Angel624: I fuse myself with Experiment 787!
*Becomes a purple experiment with 624's body, 253's head, 228's ears
and tail,
bat-like wings, sunglasses, and a hula skirt*
*Uses a psychic beam to teleport 001 from Gantu's container into the
one on the back
of Stitch's dune buggy*
*Flies up and punches both Gantu and NegaAngel in the chin, sending
Gantu to his
ship and NegaAngel to the GTT's jail*
Lilo: Cool! Which experiment did you become?
Angel624: *returns to her true form* HulaGirl. I made her myself.
Stitch: *Asks something in an alien language*
Angel624: No, Stitch. I made HulaGirl on a computer program, not with
beakers and
test tubes.
Stitch: Oh.
Angel624: I just realized that 001 actually has minieyes, which
explains why they were flashing earlier.