Mr. Wily: Look at those fools...
Count Zap(Voice from Behind): You're Alive?!
Mr. Wily: Ah, Count Zap... Come in...
Meanwhile in the Blank earth...
CrossFused Roll(Angel624's Voice): I'm out of Battle Chips, Let's try
Roll Blast!
CrossFused Roll(Roll's Voice): *kisses* Here's a Roll Blast!
The Roll Blast Deletes Alienman.
CrossFused Megaman(Megamantn's Voice): We did it!
Everyone Returned to Normal.
Lilo: Good Job, Stitch...
ALERT! ALERT! Dentech City is Under Attack by Aliens who look like
Animals &
Megamantn: *gasps* Lan!
Angel624: Maylu!
Victoria: Dex!
Lilo: Yai!
HulaGirl: Yrot!
All: Chisao! *gasps*
Everyone Fainted.
Screen(Showing the Blank Earth & everyone else): Sychro Chip, In!