"Come young one," Yoda said, "Harmless, I am, hehheh.
Hurt you, I will not."
Rayna slowly looked up at Master Yoda and tried to utter a
"Silent you are. Afraid you are. Fear you feel. Fear...control
it, you must. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to
suffering. Remember fear and agression. These emotions lead to the
dark side..."
Yoda placed a green hand on Rayna's head. "A great Jedi Knight,
your father is. A great teacher he will be. A better father he will
be. Your master...he will not be. Teach you, I will. A Jedi I will
make you. Leave your home, you will. The Jedi Temple awaits...call
your father back in."
The young Rayna slowly approached Master Yoda. Her eyes stared at the
floor of Yoda's home.