A years passes. Rayna is as happy as any child could be, but her
parents wonder why she isn't force sensitive yet. Pleu wonders if he
had a recessive gene that may have delayed his power in the force. If
that were the case, maybe Rayna wasn't blessed—or cursed—with the
power of the force. Desdemonda found peace in this possibility.
One day, though, the Dark Side showed its face. It showed its face in
the worst possible way. Unfortunately, Desdemonda and Rayna became the
victims of evil...
Pleu and Desdemonda never returned to the Jedi Order. They couldn't
now that they had broken the code and had a child. Desdemonda never
told Pleu about the darkness instilled in their daugther, nor did she
tell him about the mysterious being that sensed it in her. Strangely
enough, Pleu was unable to sense the child's powers. Desdemonda could