"Weird" she says. All of the sudden you go into hysterics.
" THAT'S weird?!?!? As if you hiding a ginourmous secret from me
about you ruling over a freaky alternate universe isn't weird,
Kerri/Destiny! I can't believe you are even my friend."
Destiny just looks at you with sad,though slightly harsh, green eyes.
Her voice is full of iron razors. "If you'll excuse me, I'm off
to visit my beloved prince. You're not welcome, you ugly tempermental
mortal." She walks off.
You clench your fists. Who needs her? you think. She's to busy having
fun with her fancy magical boyfriend. You are disgusted at the two of
them. You decide to walk somewhere else, somewhere free of gags, puns,
lame "Friends", and definately stupid
You run until you catch up with Princess Destiny. She is wearing her
dark blue gown covered in stars. It looks like a night sky. You tell
Destiny everything that happened between the black hole and the
dreadful appearance of Barney.