After that, we decided we should get the heck out of there. We walked
back down the stairs, but the door wasn't where we thought it was. All
that was there was a wall. We pushed and shoved on it, but nothing
happened. We went through all of the down stairs area, but there was
no doors or windows to be found. We were all a bit worried and
realized we were locked in. We found a corner and huddled up and went
to sleep. When we woke up...........
Suddenly, you hear this woman's voice respond. She said, "Hello,
who are you and why do you come here?" You ask where she is at,
so you can speak to her face to face, but she just says, "who are
you and why do you come here?" We responded by telling her all of
our names and that we came by because of curiosity. All she says is,
"curiosity killed the cat." We all stared at each other
wondering what to do next. We decided to take a look around. We went
to the kitchen, but there wasn't much to see in there, so we went
upstairs. As soon as we all got completely upstairs, we heard a door
slam down stairs. We asked if the woman was still there and she said
not to wonder too far into the unknown.