When you walk out you suddely hear a crunching sound under your feet.
You quickly step back, startled. "That was one of my best
hogs!!" A little man who is as tall as your kneecap screams at
you. "Arrrrrgh!" he says again.
That's it! You suddenly see it! This map is almost like your home
town, only different names for different words. "What Uocrtyn is
this?" You ask.
"You should know what Uocnrty this is, but just to tell you we
are in the S.U.,"
"And what does S.U. stand for, hmm?" It took a while for
her to answer.
"I don't know," she finally confessed.
"Ok, I'm going out and investigating, whoever you are," you
say. As you walk out you can hear her mumbling something about dwarfs
stealing her potholders.