"A witch came in a week ago, on Hans's twentieth birthday. She
was mad because she didn't get invited to the party, and she cast a
spell that turned this whole castle to candy. The terrible thing is,
none of our wizards can reverse the curse."
"What's so terrible about a castle made of candy?" you ask.
The king flashes you a dirty look. "How would you like it if
guests were constantly trying to eat your house? And that isn't the
worst of it. Candy left out in the open rots, you know. And rain
speeds the process. At least we've got a spray to keep out the ants.
In a month from now this castle will have completely rotted away,
unless we find a way to undo the spell."
The king is sitting to your left, because in this castle they always
seat guests on the right side of the king. "What's the deal with
this castle being made of candy?" you ask him.