Lots of people are in the Crystle city and a man comes in with a
machine gun red hair down to his
but!!! He starts shooting while blood is splirting
everywhere,crystleis breaking and the man cacking
himself laughing. Two beautiful boys with long brown hair with
high heels and makeup on which
go by the name Daniel Ramsey and Cameron Gibbson which found out
his name nobody found
out what happened to Daniel , Cameron or the robber.
until a girl saw them coming out ofthe city 1y
later. The man got taken to jail and the boys got
threegold rings each.
The man gets out of jail and robbs a bank but
the bank alarm dosen't work .Then he goes to the
boys house. The two beutiful boys say ''not you
again''. The man kills the boys and buy the
time he gets out of the house the police are there
ready kill him.