you walk towards the castle,it looks really creepy.You yell out to
Barbra to see where she is
Suddenly a group of teenagers zoom past you on skateboards.You get
knocked over wich makes you angery,you yell out to Dave and
say"lets go into that stupid old house!!You march up to the
Castle and opened the doors,they creecked as you opened them.You see
Barbra stanting about five metres away from you.She yells out"I
was waiting for you,there's nothing to be scared of!You and Dave walk
towards Barbra, for some reason you think,after you saw Starship
Troopers,your thinking of all those bugs.It really freaks you
out.Before you could say anything to Barbra a giant bug stabs her with
his hand and takes her away."BARBRA"!!!you yell.But its too
late,the bug has stabbed her right through the heart.You see her face
disarpear into the darkness."We've got to go after her
!!"You yell to Dave,you face dave,he is crying in fear.You have a
tear comming down your cheek,because of Barbra's death",o.k says
Dave lets go find her"!