"What are they so worried about, master?" you ask.
Qui-Gon says nothing, but does point upward at the sky. You look up
and in replace of the sunny sky that was shining only a few moments
ago there was a huge, black cloud.
You chuckle. "People here are sure afraid of rain."
Qui-Gon does not laugh.
"This planet...I believe it is Nashthar...I read about it in Jedi
School...the Planet of Lightning Death!"
Before Qui-Gon can say anything more, seven or eight huge lightning
bolts burst from the sky, striking everything around you. For a
moment everything is pure brilliant light. After the light vanishs,
you can see that not a single building is left standing.
Do you,
-Cry on Qui-Gon's shoulder
-Wait for it to clear up
You feel you are close to your doom when all of a sudden, the aliens
stop. They look overhead and shriek. Then they run off into various