"Leagous! Stop this! He is not our foe!" "Get out of the way Ellena, before I shoot you." "No!"
The figure slowly aproaches raising his bow with arrow at the ready, he is illuminated by the flickering fire. It is an elf, a male elf. His bloody gloves and matted hair were testiment that he was part of the assault. You wonder what side he fought for.
"He may be of use to us" the elven girl protests. "Those who do not fight for the elven queen oppose her, and thus must perish."
You begin to notice something vaugly familiar about the male elf now. Perhaps it was his eyes. They are glossed with the calousness of a warrior, but still bear witness that... yes. The two elves are unmistakable siblings. They fight like brother and sister, too much so. You begin to listen less and less to the arguments as you watch the sharp tip of the arrow still mounted on the elven boy's bow. You watch it bob and weave as his excitment and passion overide his steady aim momenarily, only to watch his aim find your heart too accuratly. Just when you think that your little protector is about to loose to her brother you hear it. There is a sharp crack as something darts to the bushes downwind. All is quite save the quiet crackling of the fire as....