"Can't you get the power back on?" Obi-Wan asks.
Reen looks skeptically at your fast-moving fingers. "I doubt we
You look at him. "Why on Coruscant would you say that?"
"Space pirates are known to have paralyzing force fields. They
knock into other ships, cature it, kill anyone on board, and take it
back to Tattoine."
A split second later, a screen lowers from the ceiling. You see a
human, no five humans, in front of you. Four of them are the men from
the Temple who got you and Obi-Wan in to this mess, and the other is
Darth Ranconi.
Reen shudders. "Do you two feel that power?"
"Yeah, the dark side is almost too strong for me to bear."
You say. It wasn't nearly as bad when you met him in person.
"We have you now, arrogant Jedi." Darth Ranconi laughs
"The controls are jammed!" You shout to no one.