One of the mud balls moves, and you realize it is
not a mud ball after all, but a small black cat.
You hold out your arms to the cat, and it jumps in.
You and the black cat walk around the perimeter
of the Haunted Castle, looking for Barbara, Dave
and your bike.
Your ripped shirt keeps catching on thorn bushes. Your wrist hurts and you are tired of walking. YOu wish you could ride your bike, or that you'd sprout wings again.
You have a bit of a headache, and your back itches where those wings were, just moments ago.
Then you see Dave, back on the driveway. He is shouting at you.
"There you are!" says Dave. "Where's Barbara?
And who is that you've got there?"
You look at the cat, wondering what its name is.
This has already been quite a day. Your shirt is ripped, and there is moss from the roof all over your new Nikes. Your wrist is sprained, and your bike is out of sight. Barbara and Dave are out of sight.
All you can see is the old wreck of a house called
the Haunted Castle and its ratty lawn, with thorn
bushes, dead yellow grass and black balls of mud.