" All we need now is for owen to get the last parts and then
hopefully we can get of this planet!" he said
"Look Reinard. A republic ship. We can ask a lift from
them!" said Ka'aroan.
" But what about our fine ship here. I can wager that it won't
fit in the docking hold of that ship. Its an M class skimmer and it
woud run into overdrive if we put any more weight on.
" We could try to carry it behind the Calstair with a trackter
beam. Like I said it would go into overdrive. Look we just can't do
" Well we'll have to leave it. gather up any useful equipmnent
and things while I go and see if we can hitch a ride."
ka'aroan looked up from the console landing in the next docking port
was a republic ship. She craned her neck to read the name: the
Calstair. Reinard, who had just connected the hyper drive couplings to
the control console smiled.