Mew:Mew mew mew?
ToTaLlY CoOl: Whadda you see Mew?
Mew: Mewmewmew!(over there!)
ToTaLlY CoOl:Oh good, another Mew! Hey it's Kathrine B.'s Mew! I
suppose she won't mind if we babysit it a while......
Mew:MewMewmewemwew!(she won't mind)
ToTaLlY CoOl:Ok then! MASTA BALL GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kathrine B.'s Mew inside master ball:blip, blip, blip.
ToTaLlY CoOl:Yes we got it! Now lets hope it doesnt do
ToTaLlY CoOl: Well Mew, we sure have had good times...... catching
you......... destroying a whole bunch of little green men who were
attacking the whole frickin' WOOOOOORRRRRLLLDDD!!!!!.....