Suddenly, I was grabbed from behind and dragged to Shari's side by two
hooded figures. She turned, slapped me and hid her eyes. The two
assailants threw back their hoods and revealed themselves to be
Madalene and Amber, Shari's body guards and best friends. I was
shocked at how they had changed. When I knew them, they were like
beautiful doves. Now, they were like dark, crouching tigers! I closed
my eyes and shook my head and when I looked up, they had morphed into
salavating black panthers. I asked them in a startled voice,
"What has happend to you?" They replied, "We have not
changed, but you have." The medication that you have been taking
these last few years has made your body turn invisable. When you
sleep, you lose more visibility. Soon, you will be invisable day and
night." I said, "Then, why are you helping me when Shari
swore that she would never look at me again?" Shari turned and
said. " I once swore that I would never lay eyes on you again,
but I will have to break that promise for it is against my nature. I,
too, am becomming invisible. I never told you this, but I was an
secrete agent,too....