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You may think you've got my Mew, but you really don't!!!!!!!!!! He
probably teleported!!! There's no pokeball in the world that can hold
my Mew!!! It's just really really quick. And with that Tail Vodoo
attack it's the strongest Pokemon!! I've tried everything, but
NOOOOOOOOOOOoo!!! The stupid trap didn't work, the stupid Time Machine
broke, the even dumber Ultra Ball, fell apart, the Mew proof pokeball
advertised on T.V...Don't even get me started!!!!! Ahem, anyways just
try to keep my Mew away from gluesticks if you see him!!!!......Hey,
MEW!!!!!!!!!............GET AWAY FROM MY
COMPUTER!!!!!!!......HUH???.....WHAT???....Wow!!!...you actually
learned a new attack!!!!!!!.....NO!!!...WAIT MEW,.....DON'T USE