Rayna hardly ever spoke, even as a toddler. She sometimes mumbled to
herself as she rocked back and forth. It took her longer than usual
to learn how to walk, but she taught herself how to read at three.
Most of the time, she stared into space, usually motionless. She
rarely expressed emotion; in fact, Pleu even wondered if she knew what
emotion is. She usually accepted when he or Lete touched her, but
sometimes she shirked them off; and when he hugged her, she rarely
hugged back.
Pleu was not sure what was wrong, but he didn't loose
Pleu knew raising his child would not be perfect, but he did not
expect the problems he got. It began soon after Rayna was born. She
could not sleep. She'd actually spend her nights playing in her pen
instead of sleeping. She wouldn't even take naps. Lete tried all she
could to make Rayna even just a little tired. Lete would rock the
baby in her arms and sing her every lullaby she knew, but the only
thing that happened was that Lete suffered from a very bad case of
exhaustion. The doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with Rayna
but ordered Lete to get some sleep. After a while, Rayna started
sleeping normally again, but that was just the beginning.