The first thing she says when you sit by her is "Howdy! Welcome
to my world! You'll learn to love the school."
You gape and stare until your jaw can't take it anymore.
"Wha-wha-what? I, like this place? I, b your friend? Well, you're
nice and all, but..."
She grins. "Overfriendly? Odd? Eccentric? Thanks for the
compliment. So, tell me about yourself. You look like a Leslie to
"You're right. I am a Leslie. How did you know?"
"I've got a knack for it."
You're beginning to like this girl, but... you give yourself one more
chance to leave. Should you, or should you not? And, if you leave,
where will you go?
"I'll go with Renee." you say. She slumps into her seat and
closes her eyes. You leave and walk over to Renee Number Two, hoping
you'll like her better.