Frightened and confused, you automatically turn and run as fast as you
can away from the man. The alleyway twists and turns as you run, your
heart pounding from fright and the exertion.
Suddenly it strikes you that it is getting darker, almost too dark to
see. A quick look behind reveals no one in pursuit, only a lighter
area where you have come from.
You stop and it takes several minutes to catch you breath. It is
completely quiet now except for your own breathing.Ahead is only
darkness and you don't want to go back.
Then you remember the crystal. You open your clenched hand and there
is the crystal, glowing with a faint green light. It is mesmerizing as
you rub its smooth cool shape.
Suddenly, you feel a tremendous surge of energy and there is a
blinding white flash of light.
When your eyes can focus again, you are even more startled to you are
now standing in a beautiful field of green grass beneath a clear blue
sky surrounded by golden and auburn trees.
Faintly, you hear something from behind, and turn to see a young girl
in a white robe at the far edge of the field. She calls something to
you and begins to run towards you.