Then you stop,clues!There's a whole set of footprints leading to the
roller coaster:Mountain of Doom.Should I?You think to yourself.You
decide that being a detective and all,you should have a little fun
once and a while.You run all the way up the towering stairs,that never
seem to end.There's someone infront of you!You can't see them because
their running.You relax,and take a look around.Looking back down the
stairs,you realize that you must be hundreds of feet high by now.But
it doesn't end here,oh no,there's a whole other flight of stairs
infront of you.You sigh,and finally,after being all out of
breath,reach the top.Suprisigly,your're the only one in line.But of
course,you don't think that's suspicious at all.A lady with
purple,spiked hair greets you,"All aboard",she says in an
evil,blood-curdling voice.You try to smile,to make it less awkward,but
just stutter.You hop on.The orange,creaky cart pulls you up into a
cave.Then,without warning,you plummet down,down,further ,and further
toward the Earth,you scream louder than you ever have in your whole
detective life.Your having fun until your seatbelt starts to loosen,it
comes apart,leaving you only with a seat in front of you to cling
on.You come up into another cave,and you stop completely,only you know
that the rides not supposed to be over yet.Here you are,stuck in
complete darkness,do you take maybe your only chance to get off,or
wait until something happens?