You look around the old, rotten, room that used to be a celler, and
you realize you're not scared at all. You've ditched both Barbra and
Dave and decide they can find there own way out. You go up the stair
case wondering why there is a trap door leading to a room with stairs
going right back up stairs, and you see Dave and Barbra huddled in the
corner, crying. You start laughing at them and tell them you don't
want to be friends with them anymore since they are losers, and you
leave. You get on your bike and ride home. At home you eat some food
and go to sleep. The next morning on the news there was a report that
two kids were killed in the old castle. You get on your bike and ride
over. Once is't about 11:00 PM everyone is gone, so you sneek in.
There are two ghostly voices. They sould like Dave and Barbra. You
see there spirits and start running around screaming. They are
comming at you with knives. You think to yourself, oh, what should I