"What is this room?" Barbara asked. "It looks like an
old torture chamber or something!"
"No," you tell her, "I think it's a black hole. Maybe
each of these doors lead to another dimension!" The three of you
look at one another in awe. "What now?" you ask.
"Let's get out of here," Dave suggests.
"No - let's open all these doors!" Barbara
After glancing cautiously around the room, you and Dave make a mad
dash for the opening, and follow Barbara inside the tiny space. After
a few seconds of crawling on your hands and knees, the space opens up.
The three of you stand up, and suddenly you're looking around at a
cavernous room, filled with doors. "Wow!" Dave says.
"What could all these doors lead to? There must be thirty of them
in here! We must be underground!"