Misty: Ditto's been gone a looooong time!!!!
Pikachu: Piko pi!!!
Kathrine B. * appears out of thin air* here I am!!! Now what do you
Ash: It all started when......
*several days back*
Brock: I sure do miss Ash and Misty!!!
Vulpix: Vulllll???
Brock: Well... maybe not Misty!!! I think I'll cook something!!!!
Vulpix: Vulpix!!! Vulpix!! Vulll!!
*Translation: I'll get the ingredients!!*
Jesse: * outside of Brock's window* Little does he know that we
slipped a mutating powder in the flour!!!!
James: You're such a genius!!!!
Meowth: Shut up you goons, or he'll hear us!!!!
Brock: Okay, exxecute, water, flour, vanila, sugar, ........ * beats
them together* I think they're ready to be toasted Vulpix!!!
Vulpix: Vul???
Brock: Oh That's right!!! It needs more flour!!!...Here we go.....
......... ........????? Wha???.....WHOA!!!.....Th..Th..The THE BATTER
IS ALIVE!!!!!!! Vulpix, Fire Spin!!!
Vulpix: Vuuulllllllllll!!!!
Brock: It's growing bigger!!!!! Quick Vulpix, Let's get out of
*And so...
Ash: Then Brock called us, and we called Duplica!!!
Misty: She thought she knew how to handle a giant blob of batter.
Pikachu: Pi Pi !!!!
Ash: And she was battling it, Then it swallowed her !!!
Misty: We sent her Ditto to go and get you.
Kathrine B.: It's not just batter!!!!
Ash: It's butter???
Misty: Does that make it better???
Kathrine B.: No!!! It's not butter, It's batter!!!
Misty: I can't believe it's not butter!!
Fabio: Neither can I.
Kathrine B.: Where'd you come from???
Ash: It's better than butter
Misty: It's batter.
Pikachu: Pika Chu???????
Kathrine B.: * shoves Fabio out of the way* NO!!!! When Brock was
mixing the thing, he put exxecute in it, right?!!! That means it has
to be a mutant exxecute covered in batter!!
Ash: A mutant batter-exxecute thing terrorozing Pewter City???? What's
coming next, Pikachu???
Pikachu: Pi ! Pikapi, Pikachu!! Pi, Pikaaaa!!! Pi ka chuuuuuuu.
Ash: Two people dressed in Hawaiian leis and grass skirts???
Kathrine B.: Team Rocket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ash: Where's that trainer and her Mew????