You turn around to find a bright sword laying on the ground. You pick
it up and to your amazement it fits you hand perfectly! Suddenly you
notice a movement behind you and without knowing what happened, you
stabbed a masked man with a dagger in his hand. Then your brother
appears from behind a building and says 'I see you haven't lost your
skills'. Skills? What Skills? you ask hysterically. 'The skill to use
that sword you fool.' he answered.
This seemed to cheer you up a little knowing that you could defend
yourself but you still didn't know where you were or who you are.
You ask Bob, you brother, about these things. He tells you, 'you are
the famous outlaw Arroc and the King is after you. We are on the
island of no shoes.'
You look back into the puddle, confirming that you looked the same.
Yes, he had to be your brother, the only difference was that you were
younger and had only one scar while he had many. You turn around and
ask him 'Where are we?' but he'd dissapeared.