"AAAHHH," you moan as you get up from that horrific accident
two weeks earlier.
“Where am I?” You ask in astonishment. As you look down you see a
shinning crystal,
“What do we have here?” You snarl quietly to yourself. You rub it
twice on your leg, it lights up and a genie pops out.
“Hello my friend you got three wishes, wadda you want?” The genie said
in a Jamaican accent.
“Well I want to know where I am?” You say enthusiastically.
“Ahh no can do my friend!” He insisted quite firmly.
“Why not?” you ask in astonishment.
“Well maybe because IT IS A DREAM, WAKE UP!”
You wake up unaware of where you are and then you remember about the
accident and you wonder if you are ever going come out of this place