You drift slowly off to sleep in the room that was somehow bargained
for. You have a dream about some people in black masks, smoking cigars
and cigarettes. They seem to be yelling at you and the people around
you. You Notice that the people around you are elves and that you are
an elf too. You think to your self, why am I here? Why was I sent here
to be an elf? Who are these people yelling at me and the other elves?
Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Some of the questions buzzing around
in your head. You try to ignore them but you just can’t seem to. Man,
these questions are annoying. How can I take my mind of them? Then you
feel like you are being shoved. “Get away!” you yell.
“But it’s only me.” Replies the voice.
“Who’s me?” you answer.
“Ecalla” she replies.
“Oh…. Ok…. I see know. I guess I was asleep and that it was only a
“What did you dream about?”
“None of your business!”
“Sorry. I just like hearing about people’s dreams. It’s fun to hear
what people imagine”
“Anyway… How did I get a room? I mean, I didn’t have any money and I’m
sure you didn’t either.”
“Oh. I have my ways with negotiation. I am the master when it comes to
negotiate. Hehehe.”
“Right… Anyway… How will you defeat these evil people that are trying
to make you their slaves?”
“You know. I haven’t really thought about that. I really haven’t. I
guess we might think of it when we are travelling together. It shall
be fun sharing of all the ideas that we think of. I bet we come across
some weird people that will give us ideas.”
“So… When do we leave on our journey?”
“After breakfast, of course. No one can travel for ages with out
having breakfast. Not even me with my magic elf dust. Whoops… I’ve
said to much.”
“Sorry. I wasn’t paying attention. I was eating. You’ve said to much
about what?”
“Nothing. Don’t worry.”
After eating breakfast you set out again to complete your task.
Getting back to your village on the outskirts of Woolypout, and the
elf has to complete her task of defeating the evil people taking over
her land.
So on you walk, until you come across a hitchhiker, searching for
travelling buddies.
“Hello. Mufassa’s the name, and hiking is the game. Can I travel with
you to Woolypout?”
“Well I’ll be. I’m going to Woolypout too!”
“So can I come along?”
“NO!” shouts Ecalla, rudely.
“Why not?” Mufassa and you ask at the same time.
“Because why?”
“Because I said so.”
“Oh. Your so mean!”
“Boo Hoo! Come along or don’t come along.”
“Sorry, what she says, goes.”
“ I hope to see you round some day in Woolypout.”
‘That’s if I get there.” He mutters.
So you walk for ages and ages and finally come around to the outskirts
of Woolypout. “YAY!!!!!!” you yell as you enter you village, “ I’M
But no one answers. So you look around and walk into your home and
find that only
your brother
is home.
“Where is every one?” you ask.
“They are all out looking for you. When they found out that you were
missing, they all started looking for you.”
“But now I’m home.”
Your brother goes out and yells to every one in the woods that you
have arrived back.
You go outside and remember the elf. You look for her and don’t find
her anywhere so you say.
“Oh well. She mustn’t have like me if she left without saying
So you turn to your family and friends and start your normal live over
again in your nice peaceful village.
Or is it the end????