The burns...
You drift in and out of consciousness...
"ARGHHHHHHHH!!!" you scream.
About seven doctors and nurses rush over and start examining you.
"no...what...where...who?"you feel so weak and vulnerable,
partly due to the fact that you barely have enough strenght to lift
your arm and partly because you cannot remember who you are!
"It's ok." a voice says in your ear.
"Mamma's hear to keep you safe"
That is impossible, a vision flashes through your head of your early
teenage years growing up in an orphanage.
"I have no mother."you say.
Your head bangs down onto the pillow and you lose consciousness again.
You wake up again, you are in an alley way, you don't know what just
Was it a dream? Was it a vision? Was it reality?
You get up, strange, you seem totally rejuvenated.
You stand, strange, you feel incredibly big.
You look down, strange, you see womens legs, you look up them and
realise they are your legs!
You pull a mirror out of your pocket and look upon it, it drops to the
ground with a smash, as does your knees, you start sobbing
"Why!" you yell!
"What mind games are these!"
You look down at the shards of glass and see the face of your pretend
mother, the one from the surgery, looking back at you.