Kat: What was that?!!
A ray of energy almost hits Kat!
Master of Power: HA! I found you!
Kathrine: Give back my Mew!
Master of power: NEVER!
Master of power glows yellow-white, and so does the pokeball
Master of Power: Feel My RATH!!!!!! MEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWW
Evil Mew: MEW!
Master of Power: Ok Mew, Tail vodoo! Make it effective!
As Mew charges, so does Master of power wih a special power blast!
Master of Power: Speeeeeeecaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiil Poooooooooooweeeeeeeeeer
Kathrine B gets hit tring to dodgeit.
Master of Power: Yes . . . . . . . . . . . . . Huh?
Kathrine B isn't hurt.
Kathrine B: Huh? I'm ok? �����������������
Mew gets back to it's sences.
Mew: Mew? MEW!
Mew goes and huges Kathrine.
MOP: OH NO!!!!! It can't be!
Kat:Your turn to get blasted, Got it Mew
Mew: MEW!
Mew does a psychic blast.
Mop does a destucto beam, whichflies though Mew's Psy Blast and kills
Master Or Power: If you can't capture 'em, Destoiy
2 hoars later...