"What, Ned?" the crystal asks you. NED? You can't even
remember your name. For all you know your name could be Ned. Actually,
it has a nice ring to it. Ned.
"Thanks. Glad you like the name." the crystal congratulates
itself. Meanwhile, the dragon and phoenix look bored, and stare with
contempt at each other.
"You two know as much as I do that this is necessary." the
crystal addresses them. "While you have both been fighting over
the Child of Destiny, you have failed to realise that I have the
magical hold over him."
<Come on,> the crystal spoke to me in my head. <You don't
think you were plucked out of the year 2000, end up in the Middle Ages
in local clothing, and can just blame it all on a bad dream, can
Now you have no idea what the crystal is talking about.
<Ned, you are the Child of Destiny. You have been summoned, no,
dragged, back through time so that with the help of the dragon and
phoenix you can...>
"You've all gathered because I have called you." The crystal
said, in surprisingly modern language. For some reason, this surprises