Blue sands, A blue, sand-like background
ocean, a blue background w/ darker blue curves
space, black background w/ white spots(stars)
ringbinder, a blue and yellow background w/ silver rings
Stone, brick background
cats(i think Kathrine would like this one), a white background w/
green text area an black and white cats on the left side
tan, orange, rock-like background
rivets(a personal favorite), dark grey BG w/ black spheres
water, a black background with dark blue curves and curls
Marble- This one is hard to explane so i think you should try this
New wave, black background w/ white - things
south beach(a hard to explane favorite)-can't expane this to you so
try this one)
or try colors
I do allow HTML i don't allow cursing( my mom would kill me if she saw
curses on my pages…)
I my pages don't allow some HTML because it may not support
thease are the BGs…