"Thank you so much," the stranger says. Now that your eyes
are accustomed to the darkness, you see that he is a tall, thin man
around twenty or thirty years old. At least, you think that's how old
he is. He could be any age--it's hard to tell, because his skin is
very pale and half transparent, and his flesh seems to be melting off
his bones.
"Where are we? How do we get out?" you ask. You want to
ask what happened to him, but you think maybe you don't want to know.
"We're in the wizard's tower. He kidnaps all sorts of people and
brings them here to use in his experiments. With me he made me drink
a potion he'd concocted, that was supposed to make me invisible. But
all it did was make my flesh dissolve and my bones get thinner. Take
my hand." You do, and quickly set it down. The translucent
flesh is much softer than a normal hand, and cold like that of a
corpse. "When the potion finishes its work, I'll be invisible,
and dead." He looks up at you and pleads, "You have to help
me! I don't want to die in this place! There's two portals out of
here, I can show you them, but you'll have to carry me. I'm far too
weak to move."
"Where are they?" you ask.
"There's one portal in the wizard's bedroom. It leads to the
area just outside the tower, Tyle Sands I think it's called. The
other portal is in the bathroom. Our waste goes through there. Who
knows where it ends up."
You try to get up again. You stand up, but feel so dizzy that you sit
back down again. "I'm still very weak," you say.
"You're still much stronger than I am," the stranger
"I'll do what I can," you say.