"Inside the canyon is three guard towers. These towers are
keeping watch for one ammo dump...two vehicle factories, an airstrip,
and three P.O.W camps. You've got your work cut out for you, but I
know you can do it. YOU'RE MARINES!"
You get up and board the chopper, singing the Official song of the
U.S. Marine Corps...as it takes off. But something comes up with the
"DOUBLE D MAW, I REPEAT, DOUBLE D MAW! (Military speak for
"Get outta there!") Six bogies on my 7, you may
have to jump early!"
You signal Axle as he kicks out the door and you jump first, but a
creature breaks into the ship...and it explodes just after your team
makes it out. But McHale bites the bullet and falls through the air as
a ball of fire. You land and your team gathers.
You're all just outside the canyon wall, what will you do
You're CO smiles and pulls up a map of the coast of the Martian