Where do you walk?
You look for someone or something that can give you a clue as to what
happened and where you are. But nothing is familiar. There are no
people in sight. All you see are rows and rows of trees and grass.
"How did I go from a house to a forest?" you ask yourself.
You began to walk. You come to a fork in the forest. In one direction
you see fog and smoke. It's dark down the path and hard to see what's
beyond the trees. In the other direction you see more trees and
forest. you squint your eyes hoping to see more past the trees. A
small light appears to be floating towards you. You realize that there
isn't much time untill the light is upon you. What to do? Do you walk
into the light? or do you walk into the fog and hope for the best?
After a minute of thinking you close your eyes and walk.