You couldn't have stolen my Mew, because he is now one of the 6,
well, now seven signs of the Old Ones!!! I let him go in a Pokemon
care zone because he was causing too much trouble, and a couple of
days later they sent me a note saying that Mew became a master psycic.
So of course I went down there to try to talk him out of becoming king
of all psycic hotlines but he wouldn't listen, so I had to chase him
through all kinds of subconsience galaxies, mind traps and deja vus.
Several light years later, I found him part of the Old Ones even
though the circle was completed. I found out that he had become a Sign
of all the mysteries of the mind. So too bad, you probably caught
Totally Cool's Mew instead! To see what I'm talking about read 'The
Dark is Rising' by Susan Cooper.