---In the dream, you float around in cold darkness. You are a ghost.
You suddenly want to haunt a family. You rush around town and fly into
a house whcih looks vaguely familiar, but you can't remember why. You
see a family gathered around a food-filled table. The mom is crying,
the dad is comforting the mom, and the little girl is staring blanky
at her empty plate with a look of anguish in her eyes.
---The mom finally calms down, and prays for a blessing over her food.
They eat in an eery silence. I float around the house, exploring the
rooms. I come to one that seems to be calling my name. It is a
beautiful room with fancy toys and things any girl would want. But it
doesn't seem right. Somethings missing. The little girl then rushes
into the room, bawling. She lays on the bed and clutches a picture of
an older girl to her chest. She crys out, "All I want for
Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, and any day to come, is for my sissy
to come back home. God, please keep her safe, and don't let her
die!!" I then feel myself melting into the floor.
---I sink down until I wake up. I wake up witha start. Cold sweat is
dripping down my face. What did the dream