This new movement will bring users back to run-down Web 1.0 &
later websites like this one & use it the way it was meant to be
It'll also bring more users to help revitalize sites for future
generations as well as reminisce in their glory days before the sites
were abandoned.
If possible, Those with Webmaster experiences with co-operation with
webmasters of abandoned or defunct sites would be able to restore the
sites & help revitalize them for future generations & offer
protection from hackers, spammers, trolls & even Anonymous to ALL
So, Let's rebuild what was left of the Web 1.0 & early Web 2.0
generations. Let's help revive old sites & the iconic figures the
old days of the Web.
Heal the Web.
I am introducing a new movement involving bringing users back to
once-popular websites that are still in existence but rarely see any