Mew: Myu meeew myuu!!!!!
* He must be dumber than Jedi Knight!!!!!!*
Kathrine B.: Yeah he probably is!!!
Mew: Myuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!
Kathrine B.: I know, really!!! He's so dumb he doesn't even realize
that he destroyed a sofa cushion!!!!!
Mew: * rolling around laughing* Myu, Mew myu mew myu!!!!
Kathrine B.: That WAS a sweet psycic illusion!! Now, let's go
terrorize the Secret Service!! We have to make the best of your two
hour stay!!
Mew: Myuuuuuuuu!!!!!!
* Yeah, let's not bother that stupid ****$$$%^^^@# We've got better
things to do!!!*
Note to that poke hater person:( you're so lowly and insignifant, that
I've forgotten your name) Will you shut up with this pokehating
crap!!!! It's so old we have to bury it!! You're seriously getting on
my nerves!! Stop with the name copying too!!!
Kathrine B.: What a doofus!!!