As I rolled aside the tree hit the pavement with a loud “THUD”.
Suddenly part of the pavement slid away to reveal a secret tunnel. I
peered down the tunnel and decided I should have a look to see what it
was. I jumped down into the tunnel. It reminded me of one of the Ninja
Turtle comics where the turtles lived in the sewerage tunnels. The
tunnel was about 2 meters high and about 3 meters wide it seemed to
stretch on forever. On the sides of the tunnels were torches of
burning fire flickering in the darkness. The tunnel was made of cement
and was slightly wet and slimy. I became aware that I had a strange
felling in me. Like I was someone important, who had to save the day,
like superman or batman. I felt quite nervous but at the same time
exited I had never done anything exciting my whole life this was my
chance to something brave and bold, something I could show-off about
at school. I decided that I was going to explore this tunnel. As I
walked down the tunnel I was careful not to slip on the slime on the
ground. Soon I began to realize that the further I walked into the
tunnel the more slime I found on the ground. It was like them cement
was secreting this weird, sticky green slime.
Soon, when the trapdoor I came in from was out sight it was quite
dark the only light was given by the wooden, torches handing on the
walls. The slime seemed to glow by the dancing, flames of the torches.
“This is so cool I thought I could be famous if I come out of here
alive. Before long the slime was up to my ankles. I was sticky and
made it very hard to walk. I began felling less exited and more
scared. The hairs on my neck stood on their ends. The only sound in
the tunnel was the sound of my teeth chattering nervously. But still I
trudged on eager to do something courageous, worthy of showing off
about. Now the green slime was up to my knees. I was literally wadding
in the slime. Suddenly I noticed the tunnel was beginning to widen.
Suddenly the tunnel came to a parting I had the choice of going left
or right. The left path was not lit up but there was no slime. The
right path was lit up but the slime was clearly coming form there. I
thought about it for a couple minutes and came to the conclusion that
if was to get any recognition for being brave I would have to take the
right path (the one with slime).
I waded in the slime for about another 10 minutes. The slime was up
to my chest. The idea of going into the right tunnel and not the left
began to look stupider and stupider. I was exhausted and could barley
go any further. Again I stopped and thought. Should I go back and try
and go through left tunnel (that was if I could make it there alive
without dieing of exhaustion). Or should I go on and hope to find an
How dumb had I been to think that I should risk my life in an attempt
to be brave and courageous.