ash:will pikachu be okay?
joy:i dont know,ash pikachu isnt responding....
ash:*sob*do you think.....
joy:we cant tell right now..Im doing all i can....
ash:what happened butterfree?
butterfree:*sob**sniffle*pikachu got hit by a psychic plasma ball.such
a plasma ball has been devastating,in fact ive realized that a plasma
ball hurricane was what hit me,the pink butterfree and our
butterfree!poor know what happened to my
butterfree.....porr pikachu!*sob**sob*
ash:nooooooooo!!!!why?why would ahempression do that?
butterfree:it all makes sense,now ahempression was trying to destroy
me because he knew that i
and you would destroy his boss.the first time,he destroyed my
butterfree,and the second time...the second time.....
ash:i dont believe this!there must be something we can do....
butterfree:it all depends on how hard it hit.....
theres nothing we can do now but wait.....
ash:joy,please tell me how pikachu is doing!
joy:not too good,he is very limp.he is still alive
...maybe you should come in and see him.....
ash:pikachu!pikachu,please dont leave!pikachu please live!pikachu!
joy:pikachus heart isnt beating anymore......
To Be Continued......>>>>>