“Now you listen here boy, I’ll have none of this nonsense, you’ve
entered a top secret laboratory now and there is no returning back to
the outside world. You have just entered a laboratory which is used by
ACSI, Alien Crash Scene Investigations, which is unknown to the
outside world. It is unknown to me however, to how you entered this
building since it is invisible to the ordinary human eye and is
physically not there. I don’t know why but there must be something
special about you, a quality that not most average humans contain?”
You suddenly reflect on when that peculiar woman in a dark cape
pointed at you and whirled some sort of supernatural dust around you.
What could of that been? The man still maintaining a tight grip around
your shirt collar drags you over to that peculiar operating bench,
which you caught an indistinct glimpse of before you switched on the
light switch. To your dismay there is an abnormal looking figure
slumped over the bench. The only explanation that appears to your
mentality is that it is not of human faeces, but that it is some sort
of…alien. Not only is its looks out of the ordinary but it has a
putrid and repulsive whiff to its decomposing, scaly, encrusted flesh.
Before you can study it any further, the man lowers a mini suspended
crane with a stainless steel platform attached to it and he lifts the
‘alien’ up onto the platform. He then raises the alien about 10 meters
and places it into a sterilized vat filled with liquid to prevent
decomposing of the ‘alien’s’ flesh. You suddenly realize that the man
is preoccupied by moving the ‘alien’ and has released his firm grip on
your shirt collar and this is your chance to escape or stay for ever!
Which will it be…?
…the vague outline of what you can make out as an operating bench. You
decide to move towards the mysterious object and as you are getting
closer, you spot out the corner of your eye, a fluorescent light
switch. Instantly you make towards the light switch and switch it on.
With the flick of the switch, the whole room fills with blinding
bright light, making your eyes flicker as they adjust. While your eyes
are adjusting to the light, you turn around and to your horror, a
tall, muscular man with a chiseled out pointy nose and mousey grey
hair wearing a white lab coat stares you in the face with a frown of
suspicion with his piercing brown eyes. “What are you doing boy,
snooping around like you are? Why did you switch the light on? Why
didn’t you just leave when you had the chance? Cause there’s no going
back!” Still half stunned in the sudden uproar, it takes you a few
seconds to snap out of it and to become overwhelmed by what has just
happened. You suddenly attempt to make a quick dash for the ladder
near the pole, which leads back up to the alley way, but the muscular
man just grabs you and fastens a tight grip around your checkered
shirt collar.