At dusk on the Saturday you get up excited to start work on your
wooden machine gun. You grab a saw from your dad's workshop to cut a
branch from the massive gum. As you start working your way through the
thickness of the wood you start to get a tingling sensation move its
way up your arms as if the electric current from the lightning strike
was still in the tree. "Thump" you feel the sense of victory
as the branch falls from the tree as if departing from its mother for
good. (Kind of sad if you think about it). You lumber the metre long
piece of wood to your dad's workshop. Luckily your dad has the right
tools for the job. You start to carve the branch into shape, bits of
wood chunks are all over the concrete floor of the badly lit workshop.
You wood chips are flying everywhere as you hack away at the wood.
Finally the machine gun in taking shape. As soon as you shave the last
piece of wood off the machine gun something extraordinary begins to
happen. The piece of wood that you have worked on for five hours
begins to glow, suddenly there is a blinding flash of light and once
your eye focus again, you see a machine gun in front of you, not just
the wood carved thing you made, but a real illegal machine gun. You
slowly move towards to weapon and run your fingers along its shiny
black edges.