"oh shes a wake!" one of them exclame. now that u r out of
the street u can now examin them more closly. they look to be about
the same age one of them had pitch black hair and whited out eyes.
for clothes he wore a blue velvet style jacket and matching pants.his
shows, hoever, here very badly made. u can tell he mad them by hand.
he wore a starange little robin hood stayly cap on his head with a
HUGE fether on it. the feather was soooo big that is had to bend over
to fit in the house when it was upon his head.
the other one had well kept red hair with sreeks of blond in it he to
wore a hat with a feather but his feather wasn't as big. his clother
were more clothes than wrags. he was wareing a little green vlevet
tux. style jacket and matching pants.but he to had very badly mad
shows.but this elf had very creepy blacked out eyes. the white eyes
were very creepy still.
u start to get an uncomfortable feeling from the two
just then the two poor elfs walk in a door on the other side of the
room that u had over looked. u sit up once again.