for many years there have been two unicorn witches and wizards clans
one good and the other evil, but not all of them where evil that where
in the evil clan but they could join good clan by marrieges. but for
many years the clans where fighting geust each other and making slaves
out of the ones that lost the battle an tell the clan that was in
slaved one won a fight for their freedom back. but their is a
propeceys that may end the fighting but even that propecys may not end
the fighting because their is a darkness in the good clan and only the
leader of the good clan can fight it but if she does not win this
battle agentess her brother from her own mother that she did not know
exesed may destory both clans for god but the propecy that may end the
fighting is not about the leader of the good clan but her frist born
daughter that is half good clan and half evil clan and she is born
with the power os seeing the futrue, and past with out the gift of her