"Centuries!" you exclaim.
"Yes," laughs Edomiya. He peers down to look at you.
"You have lived as long as me, dear. Don't you recall that?"
"No, but I think I'm an elf, aren't I?" you say.
"Yes, indeed, you are," confirms Edomiya. Then he proceeds,
"As I was saying, last night was one of the worst nights of my
life. For last night was the night you fell down Mount Cenyn. Curse
that cliff! I saw you fall, before my eyes I saw you fall. You don't
KNOW how much I wished to do something! I am eternally sorry I could
not find you before, but you had fallen so far! It was almost
impossible to tell where you had stopped. I am glad to have found you
at all, sweetheart. I was quite certain that you would be dead by the
time you reached bottom. But, no, here you are. In front of me. Oh
blessed, blessed elvish luck!" He chafes your hand smilingly.
"Well, I'm thankful to be alive, no doubt," you say, and
stand. "But where AM I?"
"Adona." He reaches over and takes your hand in his. A
strange current seems to flow through your fingers, and--peculiarly
enough--your agonizing headache leaves. He smiles as you look at him
in astonishment. "Adona, last night was one of the worst nights
of my life. And I have lived for centuries, darling--"